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Enhancing clinical research quality and safety through specialized nursing practice.

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Research Projects

The following research studies/projects are available for IACRN members to participate in.

Improve Care of Research Patients in Rural Areas


I’m Liz, Chair of the IACRN Research Committee and an Assistant Professor at Montana State University. I created TrialWear, a new wearable smartpatch to support persons with complex medical conditions and those experiencing cancer when they enroll on a clinical trial to share safety information with their local providers or in an emergency. We especially have rural, frontier, and under-engaged communities in mind where the researcher may not be part of the participant’s clinical care team. With our amazing nursing/engineering/geospatial experts, and with your help, we aim to have this type of technology available soon. Your feedback is the most important and valued part of our mission.

We invite you to complete this online survey, which will ask for your written feedback based on photo and videos of TrialWear provided. At the end of the survey, we have a space to enter the preferred email to send a $50 electronic gift card to you (Amazon or Walmart) and if you’d like to participate in a follow-up interview which will ask for deeper insights on the web platform activated by the encrypted QR code on TrialWear.

Link to survey:

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out.

Thanks for your feedback to enable clinical trial care, everywhere.


Elizabeth Johnson, PhD, MS-CRM, RN

Exploring Nurse-to-Nurse Communication in Oncology Clinical Trial Participant Care: A Qualitative Content Analysis via Within-Methods Triangulation

You are invited to participate in a nursing research study exploring nurse-to-nurse communication in the care of patients enrolled in oncology clinical trials, conducted as part of my dissertation research.

Participation involves a 30–45-minute interview in person or via Zoom at a time convenient for you.  If you are interested, please contact the Principal Investigator, E. Mendy Dunn, MSN, RN at

To ensure transparency and accuracy, you will have the opportunity to review your interview transcript, and data will be shared with participants at the end of the study. As a token of appreciation, you will receive a letter recognizing your valuable contribution to nursing and clinical trials research.

This study has been reviewed and approved as IRB202401565 by the University of Florida Institutional Review Board.

Please reach out if you have any questions. 



E. Mendy Dunn, MSN, RN, ACRP-CP, NE-BC

PhD Candidate

University of Florida, College of Nursing

International Association of Clinical Research Nurses

PO Box 7
Mullica Hill, NJ 08062, USA
(609) 519-9689 (Phone)

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